what is a universal testing machine (U.T,M) - Mech tech


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what is a universal testing machine (U.T,M)

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The result for the test are commonly used to select a detail for an application for Quality Control and to protect how a material control will react under the types of force properties and directly measured in wire a tensile test or ultimate tensile strength maximum elongation and reduction in area from the measurements the following properties can also be determined young modulus yield stress and strain hardening characteristics

UTM test functions

  •  TensileTest
  •  Compressive Test
  • TorsionTest
  •  ShareTest
  •  BendingTest
  •  TensileTest

 the test process involves placing the test specimen in the test machine and slowly extend it until it fractures during this process the illusion of the gauge section is recorded against the life force the data is manipulated so that is not specific to the geometry of the test sample elongation measurements is used to calculate the engineering strain using the following equation
 where is the change in gauge lab l is the initial gauge length and l is the final length the four square method is used to calculate the engineering using the following equation where f is the tensile force and a is the   nominal cross section of the specimen machine does these calculations as the force increases so that the data points can be draped in a stress strain curve

 Compressive test

 thecompressive strength is usually obtained experimentally by means of compressive test Apparatus used for the experiment is the same as that used in tensile test power whether the applying a uniaxial tensile load uniaxial compressive load is applied as  can be  imagined disappointment usually cylindrical in shortened as well as spread laterally

Torsion test 

A torsion test measures the strength of any material against maximum twist force It is an experimental common test used in material machine to measure how much of a twist a certain material can withstand before cracking or breaking this applied pressure is referred to as raw material typically used in the manufacturing industries such as mental fasteners and beams are often subjected to Torsion testing to determine the strength under the duress 

Shear stress

 a directly shares test is a battery of field test used by your technical engineer to measure the shear strength properties of soil and rock materials for discontinuities in soil or Rock masses

 Bending test is a method of measuring stiffness and properties of certain material bending test provide a simple way to evaluate the quality of Material by their ability to richest tracking on other surface irregularities during one continuous band in certain case the bending test can determine tensile strength

 U.T.M machine consists of the following components

  •  Load cell Cross
  • had Output device
  •  Text fixtures jaw
  •  Extensometer
  • Columns Load

frame usually consists of two strong supports for the machine, some small machineshave a single work Load
cell force transducer or other means of measuring the load is required periodic calibration is usually required by governing regulation for quality system
 cross-head immovable cross-head is control to move up and down usually this is at a constant speed sometime card a constant rate of extensions machine some machines can program the process speed or conduct certificate at constant force testing at constant The formation electromechanical Servo testing at constant force testing at constant deformation electro mechanical Servo hydraulic linear drive and residence drive are used
 Means of wearing extension order formation many tests required a measure of the response of the test specimen to the moment of the cross head extensometers are sometimes used
 output devices a means of providing the test result is needed some older machines have tile or Digital display and chat records when you are machines have a computer interference for analysis and printing coordinating many test requires control coordination temperature humidity pressure machine can be in a control room for a special environmental chamber can be placed around the test specimen for the test fixtures specimen holding yours and related sample making equipment are card for the test methods

testing machine types

  •  Mechanical
  •  Hydraulic


 the electromagnetically machine used as electrical motor gear reduction sister and 12 or force used to move the cross head up order a range of cross head up or down the range of cross had speed can be achieved by changing the speed of the motor a microprocessor based closed loop server system can be implemented to accurately control the speed of water a microprocessor based close blue server system can be implemented to decorate control the speed o of the cross head


 hydraulic test machine used either a single or dual acting Piston do the cross head up or down in Manual operating machine the operator adjust a needle valve to control the rate of loading in a closed hydraulic Servo system  the needle valve to control the rate of loading in a closed loop hydraulic Servo system the needle valve is replaced by an electrically operated service wall for  precise control
Other types Digital operated universal machine
  •  Computer operated single column
  •  Double dual column
  • Four column Universal testing machine

 Working principle of UTM machine


Works on the principle of illumination and deformation in U.T.M tensile compressive and shear force are acting

 Working procedure of U.T.M .

Placespecify this sample preparation gauge length the length which is under the study of observation analysis etc.
Specimenis placed in the machine between the tips and an  extensometer If required can automatically record the change in gauge length during the test if an extensometer is not fitted in machine itself and record displacement between the cross head and which team however this method not only called the change in length of the specimen but also all the other explaining elastic components of the testing machine and it derived system include and supplying of the specimen tips the machine is started it begins to supply and increasing load on specimen throughout the test the control system software record the load and extension or compression of the specimen in compression test specimen script in machine George and load is applied to is true care mechanism by a table cross-head charge when we apply load our specimen is compressed under the load and it compressive strength shows on screen by graph intern side as a specimen is script is machine Jazz and load is applied to gear machine by a movable cross that Jazz when we apply load our specimen is elongated under the load and stress strain graph is shown on screen original shape and size of the specimen please no load specimen undergoes uniform location point of maximum load and ultimate strength the onset of making plastic in stability specimen fractures final

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